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Scorpio Tankers Inc. Second Quarter 2023 Conference Call

Date of Call: Wednesday, August 2, 2023
Time of Call: 8:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time and 2:30 PM Central European Summer Time
Webcast Link:

Dial-in Information:
US/CANADA Participant Toll-Free Dial-In Number: 1 (833) 636-1321
US/CANADA Participant International Dial-In Number: +1 (412) 902-4260

Please ask to join the Scorpio Tankers Inc. call.

To access the replay telephonically:

US Toll Free: 1-877-344-7529
International Toll: +1-412-317-0088

Canada Toll Free: 1-855-669-9658

To access dial-in numbers for additional countries click on the below link

Replay Access Code: 8082952

The webcast and recording will be available until August 16, 2023.

